Best Top Picked MIUI Themes From MI Online Themes![Android P, Spider-Man, and more]

Bored With Your Default Theme? Here Is Top Picked MIUI Themes From MI Online Theme Store In Settings!

There are several MIUI themes available on MI Themes store but it's very difficult to choose from the listed thousand of themes but if we're here, you don't have to worry about anything.
We have made your work easy and selected the picked themes for MIUI operating system. We've selected more than 10 themes for you from several categories and it doesn't matter either you're Games lover, Movies lover, nature lover, or you are simple theme lover and bored with your default MIUI theme.

Everyone can get the theme of their own choice from our best picked themes.
I have separated several categories and chosen some themes from every categories. I hope you will like the themes, let's have a look on the selected themes.

NOTE: There is no any sharing option available on the store, that's why you're required to type the name on the store and find it. I have given steps below to save theme.


Most of the theme selector are in search of the theme which belongs to this category and this is most searched of all time. One from this is also the most downloaded. The technology lover, the AI lovers and the one who is interested in machines and the robotics, the next generation themes. The lock screens of these themes have such an interesting user interface.

Super AI 999
This is an amazing theme in look wise and it is a full theme, which completely changes the interface of your phone. It has an interesting lock screen with an awesome clock.

It's name is simple but this one is epic among all the collections. I would say that this is not complete Black theme but it's have some other colour combination. But the it's lock screen clock is amazingly superb.

Name-X Light
This is totally black theme for black colour lovers. I would not say more about this theme. The one who is black colour lover will definitely choose this.

Autobot are generally related to Robotics. This is for the one who love robots and want to step into this field. The robots lovers can get this theme and this theme has an amazing lock screen with two robots facing each other.


The games and superhero movies lovers, this section is for you. You can just hop into this section and get your favourite one. There are limited of all the time

Spiderman V10
This is Spider-Man edition, of whom most of the people are die hard fan. And want each and every thing of Spider-Man theme. Even their boxers are also of Spider-Man theme. The Spider-Man lovers this theme will definitely let your phone look too glossy.

Deadpool V10
Deadpool is a very funny character and everyone fall in love of Deadpool's character due to it's funny role in the movie Deadpool. Deadpool fans can hop into this one and get this theme for their smartphone.


There are many people who want to make their phones look attractive but in a very simple way. They don't like too much things on their home screen and on their lock screen but they want it somehow good looking smartphone. This section is for them with cute themes.

SimpleUI 999
This is simplest theme on MI theme store according to me which is also good looking and can make you feel you happy who want simplest theme on their phone and want to try something different than default theme.

Simple Colourful
This is the simple but looks wise it's more than simple because it has amazing lock screen and home screen. If you're bored with your default theme and need something new in simple you can try this.


There are some people who like love themes and also nature related themes and these type of people are always in search of something new and different, which is unique from others. Here 5.0 rated themes collection for them. They can those any of them for their phone.

Pink Birds V2
This is an animated birds theme, it will make your phone looks pinkish in colour. Generally, girls like such kind of theme and definitely they will love to have this.

Love Hear Pink Red
This is theme has most comment on Mi theme store and it has rated 4.5 by the users. This converts your application into heart shaped applications with symbol inside the heart. People liked it a lot, hope you love the love one.

I don't know what developer thought while giving this theme a name but definitely this theme is Kaabil for your phone. Not to say much about this theme. It's rating says everything.


Everyone knows that Redmi phones uses Android and runs on MIUI. But most of us like to use user interface of iPhone and other operating system. And some people who have older phones with older version of Android and they want to interface newer version of Android. Then they can get some best Android versions theme and other OS theme.

IOS11.4 TT
Yes, definitely it has an interface of ioS, which looks pretty cool and the ioS lovers can get this theme and make their phone looking pretty good.

Pixel N
Pixel has Android version of Nougat themes with Pixel edition and this is something everyone wants get because everyone can't afford Pixel phones due to higher price so it's better to have it's interface in the form of theme.

Android P
Android Q is not launched till date and right now we are having latest as Android P, but not everyone is using it because not every phones gets this update. But don't worry to you can enjoy Android P interface on your any Redmi smartphone. Just load this theme and enjoy it.


  • First of all, go to Settings of your phone.
  • Search for Theme option and tap on it.

  • It will take to Mi Themes store.
  • Type the name of the theme you want from the above in the search box.

  • Tap on the theme you want to download.

  • Tap on Download for free and then tap on Apply.

Thank You.
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